The Norwegian Society’s main objective is to create a meeting place for people interested in Norway and to promote strong cultural and educational ties across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Norwegian Society’s main objective is to create a meeting place for people interested in Norway and to promote strong cultural and educational ties across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Norwegian Society has a board of directors which meets periodically to conduct business and a general meeting once a year to elect officers.

The Society varies from other Norwegian organizations in that it does not operate as a traditional social club with scheduled meetings. We offer diverse events such as our Norway in 21st Century Luncheons Series which feature speakers who address Norway’s current economic, cultural, educational and politic climate. We have a great Sankthans/Midsummer Eve Picnic with a bonfire and loads of good food, a fall celebration/annual meeting, often with a speaker, also featuring traditional Norwegian food. Our annual Christmas party/jultrefest is held in December when we enjoy a buffet of Christmas food and cakes as well as julegløgg. At this event, we also sing Norwegian Christmas carols/julesanger, and the children get to meet the Norwegian julenisse who brings treats from the cold North. The epitome of the annual events, Norway’s Constitution Day, Syttende mai (May 17th), has been celebrated every year with a Gala Dinner and a Syttende mai Picnic in Carderock Park, in collaboration with all the Norwegian and Norwegian/American organizations in the DC area.

The Society has an informative newsletter, which is distributed to members electronically. Membership fees are collected annually. Click here to join!  

 In 2016 the Norwegian Church Service of Washington DC and Norwegian Society started a close collaboration and today we have a joint web site.


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